You'll have to forgive this post, I have a LOT on my mind and a lot to put ( I hope) and I'm hungry..and when I get hungry, pretty much everything goes out the window. We'll see if I can type something up while my hair drys and before I go explore for breakfast!
My friend (for about 20 years now, wow!) Cassie, has a conference to attend and didn't want to go alone! So she asked me to come along! We are staying at one of the DisneyLand Resorts! Paradise Pier!
I have been wanting to visit California for quite a few years. Even though I am saving up for a home of my own, It falls under "Start taking actions to things YOU want". So here I am!
This is a semi-solo vacation; meaning, Cassie will be in her conference everyday from 7:30-4:15. So I will have the days to myself, and nights Cassie and I will get hang out! I WILL touch the Pacific Ocean this weekend! (yep, another first!)
It is morning one; Cassie is already off to work; I spent about an hour researching Charity Events (because yes, that's right, this girl is going to put on her OWN charity event! By herself! gulp), watching the local news, and taking the LONGEST hot shower! Today, I am going out to eat by myself for the first time. ever. Yeah, I've gone to Wendys or something on my lunch by myself. But this is verrrrry different. I am going to sit down at a table for two, alone, and read the USA Today. It's exhilarating!
Here's the deal California: each day is an opportunity to do something new! New Place, Food, Experience, HairStyle, Anything!
That being said; I am off :)
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